Last night….
a selection of my best photos of the total lunar eclipse.
all what is belonging to the whole web-site
The excitement of growing plant is now totally mine. This year I started to grow chili seeds just from the chili I bought in India. And some others I got from a friend.
As I recognized I was a bit late to sprout the chili seeds. What led me to buy two small plants as well, but more on that later on.
As the more exciting thing is to sprout the seed and see the plant growing and their first leaves and finally the grown plants with fruits.
I was more or the less totally new to the growing of plants, so there was a lot try and error programed. Never the less it worked out well and at the moment I still have more than fifteen chili plants.
Chili Palm – in the preserve jar
See the full gallery>> here
Ein bischen Ironie, Industrie die die Umwelt stark belastet und dabei Wolken produziert, der Stoff aus dem Träume sind… natürlich über den Wolken.. Aber dazu mehr am nächsten Tag.
Berlin ist ein guter Ort für creativ Industries, viele Junge Musiker, Designer, Künstler und Turisten zieht es nach Berlin. Der Eindruck zur Stadt bleibt gemischt, viele Kreativ schafende in der Stadt aber das Stadtbild wird immer einfältiger? Wo bleibt der Einfluß der Kreativität um sich in der Stadt ab zu bilden, warum immer diese Idealbilder?
Der Versuch zu Segeln bei keinem Wind. Ein Faltboot mit Segel einen Tag bevor es los ging bei meiner Reise. Quasi ein ruhiger Start.
Longo Mai, ein kleines Dorf zwischen San Isidro und Buenos Aires in Cost Rica. Bis jetzt war der Ort auf digitalen Landkarten nicht zu finden.
Zusamen mit den Freiwilligen in Longo Mai sind wir dabei, die Straßen und Wege zu Verorten um in Folge eine Karte für den Ort zu erstellen. Mit Hilfe von OSM (Open Street Maps) und des Luftbildes von Bing Maps war es besonders einfach alle Gebäude die nicht nach 2010 errichtet wurden ein zu tragen. Alles was nicht am Luftbild zu erkennen ist wird mittels Smartphone-App und GPS aufgezeichnet und in die Karten eingetragen.
Verwendete Android-App’s:
OSM Tracker, ermöglicht das Aufzeichnen von Wegen, Orten und vielem mehr.
Oruxmaps, OSM- Karten ansehen, Tracks aufzeichnen und vieles mehr.
Vespucci, OSM Karten am Smartphone editieren
as I am at the course “Erstes Wiener Nachtentwerfen” I collected some of my photos related to light.
This course is told by Susanne Seitinger
A collection referring to my interests
Random Internal Swarmlight, a kind of a virtual swarm and the best fit for an idea I had around swarm lighting. This kind of structure in a different scale enables variation of lighting in the public space.
This is not exactly what I thought of when I was looking for a flying light. but it shows the possibility of a flying light. Putting this in a swarm structure could bring a totally new way of lighting. This thing could make a public lighting something very personal.
Now a class mate posted a much better project about flying lights,
Bioluminsecent lighting of algae in the seawater, somehow also a kind of swarm lighting. The swarm in a very small single part.
A simple way to show bio-luminescent algae with a shot into the water, not a great video but some simple way of working with this potential of nature.
Some intressting laser projection
A fancy Technic to do track some object and follow with light maybe
Interesting Images Ideas with Light
A simple way to symbolize a swarm
Link zum Hersteller von den unterhalb gezeigten Textilien lichtstrukturen
they emit visible light when exposed to ultraviolet light
*new* lumiBots documentation from Mey Lean Kronemann on Vimeo.
LumiBots are small, autonomous robots that can leave glowing traces. The robots are equipped with a UV LED at their tail which leaves a glowing trail on phosphorescent sheet. The traces do not only create generative images which tell the story of the robots’ movements, but have a deeper meaning for the lumiBots: With their light sensors, they can follow the other robots’ as well as their own trails, and amplify them, thus creating an ant-trail-like mechanism luring more and more robots on the same path.
Mind Walk
Historical information around the Karlsplatz and the TU Wien
Link Collection
Wiener Naschmarkt WIKIPEDIA
Paulanerkirche WIKIPEDIA
Freihaus, im web
Freihaus auf der Wieden WIKIPEDIA
Karlskirch, Wikipedia
Karlsplatz, Wikipedia
Charles’ Square, St. Charles’ Church in Vienna
Vienna Karlskirche (night view) in Vienna
A gorgeous summer end with the flair of the nature of the Prater at Vienna. And a well entertained afternoon at the amusement park of the Prater. We had a fantastic ride withe giant whirligig as you can see in this short clip done be my brother and me.
Sound by Krixi, Kraxn und die Kroxn – Hallo
This summer I received an offer for a study trip combined with a workshop in Tirane. I thought it would be quite interesting to participate….. I had no idea what will wait for us, in the preparation time we had to do a small sheet about special things in Albania. And so I had to collect informations about bunkers in Albania. This bunkers, once thought as military instrument in form of strategic defense lines, economy boost and propaganda for the Hoax regime. In this way the first bunker was built and the man who planed the first type had to test this peace as first. He had to sit in the bunker waiting for an attack . After he stepped out without any physical damage to his body, the regime started to build the first of now 500.000 to 750.00o bunkers in different sizes beginning with a single person one reaching to bunkers for lots of people.
So far no one wants to pay the destruction of this bunkers, I found a lots of information of a great project using this bunkers in different ways to build some infrastructure for tourism and public environment like toilets.
links about
and at least , in Albania are that much bunkers, it is possible to get one for your self as a souvenir.
to day I was sitting more hours as my brain is able to count, in front of my computer doing this web stuff like updating web space, managing all the email accounts I had on the other server lolol.. and it’s horrific doing this every decade once. It is to hard to remember all that shit, and every service has a different way how you have to manage all this shit. (godaddy is the most confuse thing I met in the web so far)
Who thought the most things work now, all email accounts are back on road! All the websites get a new face and get lifted it’s like surgery on the hart that helps you to look better.
no images were found
jupidu and also the gallery works, WordPress and Nextgen Gallery are just fine with me :-).
Now I cam to the point. I thought of at the beginning, that I was dreaming of being outside on my now broken bicycle, and riding around Vienna watching the city, that dream happened while I was watching the test uploads in the gallery showing the city of Vienna from the top… and now the dream lasts .. it’s a long time been I had a dream like this…
welcome to my new website,
at the moment I am feeding it with content, and I am fighting with all settings around web-space web-mail and all that things belonging to a website.
I want to give you a small overview about the content you will find on this website … weblog . It’s a kind of a portfolio related to my life and work.
you will find several categories like photography, architecture and spare time activities.